Annual Impact Report

About JMI
The James Martin Institute for Public Policy works to transform policymaking, for the good of the people, planet and future of Australia. Launched in 2021 as a formal partner of the NSW Government, JMI is a unique joint-venture between government and universities. An independent, non-partisan policy institute with charitable status, we forge collaborative networks and drive innovative solutions to complex challenges. Our approach enables policymakers to harness a wide range of expert advice and ensures that researchers can effectively inform policy development.
A growing partnership
- University of Sydney
- Western Sydney University
- University of Technology Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- Charles Sturt University
Our university partnerships will continue to grow in 2023-24 and beyond.

Our approach & value-add
Government-led & evidence-based
We actively engage with university, community and industry experts to respond to the government's most pressing public policy challenges, ensuring that evidence is translated into purposeful public policy outcomes.
Networked & impact-oriented
We deliver high quality, rigorous policy research, forging collaborative networks of experts to convert ideas into reality. Laser-focused on impact, we generate timely, policy-relevant insights for decision-makers and contribute to public discourse to drive policy innovation in the public interest.
Independent & trusted knowledge-broker
As a partner of both governments and universities, but sitting independently of either, we are uniquely positioned to convene the right actors at the right time to break down silos and deliver for all people more effectively. We provide government(s) with an independent source of evidence-based policy advice on critical public policy issues.
JMI is an independent, non-partisan policy institute with charitable status. It operates under a robust governance framework that encompasses an independent Board of directors, a formal Constitution, independent advisory groups including a Research Advisory Group, and the governing and reporting structures in place with our government and university partners.
"This has been an exciting year of substantial growth and impact for JMI. Working closely with our government and university partners, we have made great strides in shaping the public policy landscape in Australia."
Libby Hackett CEO of JMI

Five Workstreams
1. Collaborative Projects
JMI worked with four government partners on some of the most complex, long-term, multidisciplinary policy challenges facing NSW and Australia. We have used JMI’s unique collaborative project model to connect experts into critical stages of policymaking by bringing together government and university colleagues into JMI collaborative project teams, convening Expert Advisory Groups, and holding workshops and consultations. More than 70 academics and 113 government experts have contributed to these multi-month projects to develop practical policy solutions in response to government’s challenges.
Key JMI collaborative projects:
- Regulating artificial intelligence: opportunities and risks for the NSW Government (Partner: NSW Chief Data Scientist)
- Policy and research support for the NSW government comprehensive review of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system (Partner: NSW Department of Education)

2. Rapid Response
In recognition of the pace and complexity of policymaking, JMI works intensively with government departments on highly targeted short-term projects. For example, we worked with the Department of Premier and Cabinet to develop options on how government can better harness artificial intelligence for the public good. We drew out insights and connected leading experts with policymakers by facilitating a multi-stakeholder expert workshop in December 2022, and undertook supplementary consultations with experts and desktop research. The Institute delivered a short policy brief to the Department in early 2023, outlining key insights and pathways for effective government use of AI.

3. JMI Policy Challenge Grants
In late 2022, JMI’s inaugural grants program awarded
six grants for applied public policy research to outstanding research teams from the University of Sydney, Western Sydney University and the University of Technology Sydney. Grant winners were celebrated at a launch event at NSW Parliament House in November 2022. Grantees enter into a partnership with JMI, receiving financial and dedicated support to maximise the public policy impact of their research, including through tailored engagement with policymakers.
The 2022 grant winners are addressing some of New South Wales’s biggest policy challenges, including:
- Using facial recognition technology for digital identity: A governance framework for Service NSW
Lead researcher: Professor Edward Santow University of Technology Sydney - Characteristics and risk profiles for youth who go missing or run away from out-of-home care
Lead Researcher: Professor Amy Conley Wright University of Sydney - Building resilient Australian communities
Lead researcher: Associate Professor Ann Dadich Western Sydney University - Formalising community perspectives in
disaster management
Lead researcher: Associate Professor Margot Rawsthorne University of Sydney - Research-informed principles for a gender equitable future of work in NSW
Lead researcher: Professor Rae Cooper University of Sydney - The impacts of COVID-19 on domestic and family violence service provision in culturally and linguistically diverse and faith-based communities
Lead researcher: Associate Professor Ghena Krayem University of Sydney
We are now assessing applications for the program’s 2023 grant round. This year, grant applications were invited for projects focusing on major policy challenges facing NSW under the following themes, where the proposed research has strong potential to catalyse policy innovation and generate public value for the benefit of the people of NSW:
1. The transition to a net zero economy: democratic,
community and political economy aspects
2. Creating resilient and dynamic cities and towns
3. Building and sustaining the care economy we need
4. Boosting industrial capacity for a productive and
resilient economy
5. Addressing educational disadvantage

4. JMI Policy Fellowship
Two Policy Fellows joined JMI to pursue independent policy-relevant research, under the Fellowship’s two current streams, the public service stream and the academic stream.
Public service stream
JMI’s inaugural Senior Policy Fellow, Dr Angela Cummine (then Director, Sustainable Finance, NSW Treasury), undertook her fellowship in mid-2022, producing pioneering insights into how governments, and the NSW Government in particular, should pursue sustainability reporting. Sovereign Sustainability Reporting–New South Wales and beyond was published in January 2023 and launched at a public launch event in April with an interactive panel at the University of Sydney. Panellists included policymakers, academics, and leading industry experts, and the discussion involved a wide range of stakeholders working on sustainability issues.
Academic stream
From March-September 2023, Associate Professor Dilupa Nakandala joined JMI as our first academic stream Policy Fellow. Her policy research focuses on opportunities for stimulating the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies by small and medium enterprises in NSW. This research responds to the pressing challenge of increasing productivity across the state, and the modernisation of critical industries such as advanced manufacturing.

5. The Policymaker
JMI’s solutions-oriented digital publication The Policymaker published dozens of thought leadership pieces over the past year.
It has provided a platform for Nobel Prize winners, First Nations leaders, senior policymakers and researchers, experienced government advisors and emerging thinkers to share groundbreaking policy ideas and creative solutions on key public policy challenges facing Australia.

JMI seeks to deliver impact by undertaking activities and producing social, economic, environmental and cultural outcomes that promote holistic, enduring public value and benefit. We consider that we are most able to deliver this value by pursuing complex challenges, and producing bold and innovative solutions that have the capacity to be implemented.
Collaborative Project
Developing the first strategic plan to combat modern slavery in NSW
October 2022 – July 2023
Policy Fellowship
Why and how governments should disclose their ESG impact
Dr Angela Cummine | July 2022 – August 2022
Almost 1000 government and university experts engaged with us and shared their insights in a wider range of formats and channels.
At the project level, JMI staff consulted relevant business and community leaders to feed their knowledge and expertise into developing and delivering JMI projects.

Looking Ahead
We are energised by the opportunities for policy innovation that lie before us. The challenges facing Australia and NSW demand innovative solutions, rigorous analysis, and, most importantly, collaborative approaches.
2023 will be a critical juncture for JMI as we look to expand our project pipeline and foster ever greater engagement between public servants and experts.
Bridging the gap between policy and research remains a major hurdle. Our vision for Australia is ultimately one where JMI is no longer needed – one in which there is seamless collaboration between policymakers and the research community. Until we get there, we will prioritise building capacity for collaboration and scaling up those areas of work that bring the greatest benefits for the public good.
Our vision for Australia is ultimately one where JMI is no longer needed - one in which there is seamless collaboration between policymaker and the research community.
JMI is currently undertaking a number of collaborative projects that will be completed in the year ahead, including supporting an ongoing Government review. We also look to expand our rapid response capability to quickly tap into the expertise that policymakers may need on tight timescales.
In August 2023, we will also host the first JMI Policymaker Summit, a new flagship policy event for NSW, bringing together government policymakers, researchers and other experts around key themes to drive forward solutions.
In the year ahead, we will look to pilot a new capacity- building program that will equip policymakers and researchers with the necessary skills, tools and frameworks to work together effectively, ultimately boosting the practice of evidence-based policymaking in NSW.
Through thoughtful and strategic expansion with more university partners in the coming years, we will seek to leverage their unique research agenda and regional focus, and connect this knowledge to policymaking processes.
JMI remains committed to advancing evidence-based policymaking that will drive positive change and secure a prosperous future for our communities. We will continue to be at the forefront of shaping Australia’s policy landscape
Read the full report below: