Annual Impact Report

About JMI
A formal partner of the NSW Government, JMI is a unique joint-venture between government and leading Australian universities. Established in 2021, we work closely with government ministers, departments, and other decision-makers to help address their most pressing policy priorities, enabling them to harness a wide range of expert advice. JMI is an independent, non-partisan policy institute with charitable status.
A growing partnership
- University of Sydney
- Western Sydney University
- University of Technology Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- Charles Sturt University
- University of Wollongong
Our university partnerships will continue to grow in 2024-25 and beyond.
Welcoming the University of Wollongong to the partnership
"The collaboration between UOW and JMI brings together expertise, resources, and a shared vision for driving innovation."
The Hon Paul Scully MP
NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces
"Through this strategic partnership with JMI, UOW researchers will have the opportunity to leverage their expert knowledge to address some of the most pressing and complex challenges facing the Illawarra region, NSW, and the Nation as a whole."
The Hon Ryan Park MP
NSW Minister for Health, Regional Health, the Illawarra and the South Coast
Our approach & value-add
We bring together policymakers, researchers, and industry and community experts to deliver timely, relevant, and pragmatic advice to government. As an independent joint-venture, we are uniquely placed to bolster the strategic policy capabilities of our partners to address critical policy challenges in Australia. In doing so, the JMI model harnesses leading evidence and expertise, and existing public investment in research, for the public good.
Government-responsive & evidence-based
In response to the needs of government, we actively engage with university, community and industry experts to respond to specific public policy challenges, ensuring that evidence is translated into purposeful public policy outcomes.
Networked & impact-oriented
We deliver high-quality, rigorous policy research, forging collaborative networks of experts to convert ideas into reality. Laser-focused on impact, we generate timely, policy-relevant insights for decision-makers and contribute to public discourse to drive policy innovation in the public interest.
Independent & trusted knowledge-broker
We provide governments with an independent source of evidence-based policy advice on critical public policy issues. We are uniquely positioned as an independent body to convene the right actors at the right time to break down silos and deliver for all people more effectively.
Breadth and depth of public policy activity
Grants and fellowships
JMI Policy Challenge Grant
The JMI Policy Challenge Grant is an annual award program to support cutting-edge public policy development, addressing critical policy challenges. This year saw the publication of the first reports from JMI’s inaugural grant awardees. In December 2023, JMI published a Policy Insights Paper on ‘Improving governance and training for the use of facial verification technology in NSW Digital ID’ by the team led by Professor Ed Santow (University of Technology Sydney) (see the impact case study in this report). In March 2024, on International Women’s Day, JMI published a Policy Insights Paper on ‘A gender equitable future of work in NSW’ by the team led by Professors Rae Cooper and Elizabeth Hill (University of Sydney). This report set out five key areas of government policy, operations and investment that can be leveraged to drive gender equality across the labour market in NSW.
In late 2023, the second round of the grant program awarded seven grants to outstanding teams led by researchers from the University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, the University of Technology Sydney, the University of New South Wales and Charles Sturt University. Over the next two years, JMI will provide dedicated support to these project teams to translate their insights for policy audiences and amplify the impact of their research through targeted engagement and collaboration.
The 2023 grant winners are addressing some of New South Wales’s biggest policy challenges, including:
• Economic empowerment of First Nations people
in the transition to Net Zero
Lead researcher: Professor Heidi Norman,
University of Technology Sydney (Since moved to UNSW)
• EV-ready apartments
Lead researcher: Dr Thomas Longden, Western Sydney University
• First Nations voices in habitat restoration
Lead researcher: Dr Mitchell Gibbs, University of Sydney
• Governing AI, education, and equity together
Lead researcher: Professor Kalervo Gulson, University of Sydney
• Harnessing data for inclusive and sustainable mobility
Lead researcher: Associate Professor Amelia Thorpe,
University of New South Wales
• Leveraging digital technologies to boost productivity in the
construction sector
Lead researcher: Professor Srinath Perera, Western Sydney University
• STEM education beyond our cities
Lead researcher: Dr James Deehan, Charles Sturt University
For the 2024 round, grant applications were invited for projects focusing on intergenerational equity and shared prosperity, where the proposed research has strong potential to catalyse policy innovation and generate public value for the benefit of the people of NSW. Grant applications were sought for the following five areas:
1. Improving the availability of appropriate social and affordable housing for the people of NSW
2. Transitioning to a net zero economy: deepening economic inclusion and social license
3. Boosting industrial capacity for a productive and resilient economy
4. Redirecting public investment towards early intervention in education and population health
5. Driving greater equity in the distribution of wealth
We received 71 applications, involving more than 200 researchers and community practitioners from across NSW and Australia, of which 24 are led by an early career researcher (ECR). This year has seen an increasing number of applications supported by industry, NGOs and universities across Australia.
JMI Policy Fellowship Program
The JMI Policy Fellowship program continued to grow in 2023-2024. In late 2023, JMI held an open call for expressions of interest for future JMI Policy Fellows from its partner universities. This attracted significant interest and JMI has confirmed a pipeline of excellent fellows for 2024-25.
Four JMI Policy Fellows, drawn from the public service and university partners, pursued independent policyrelevant research over the course of this year:
1. Simon Rowell (The Cabinet Office, NSW Government) joined JMI as a Senior Policy Fellow. Mr Rowell’s project explored how government can leverage greater investment to support industry and innovation in NSW, with his findings to be published later in 2024.
2. Dr Sophie-May Kerr (UNSW) completed a 12-week fellowship on housing policy, focusing on the needs of families with children living in apartments. Dr Kerr’s Policy Insights Paper, “Planning for the inclusion of families with children in apartments”, was published on 6 May 2024 and was featured in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Mandarin.
3. Associate Professor Dilupa Nakandala (Western Sydney University) completed her research exploring how manufacturing SMEs can be supported to adopt industry 4.0 technologies. Associate Professor Dilupa's Policy Insights Paper, "Recharging SME manufacturing: Opportunities for government to boost adoption of Industry 4.0 Industry", was published on 8 March 2024.
4. Dr Jodie Brabin (Charles Sturt University) began a fellowship exploring male participation and attrition in clinical nursing within NSW public health.
Impact Case Study 1
Governing facial recognition technology for digital identity in NSW
In a nutshell
•10 principles identified to support legislation and policy for NSW digital ID
• 27 policymakers and industry experts attended a policy roundtable
• 6 Australian jurisdictions involved in the policy roundtable
• 550+ experts attended report launch at NSW Future of AI Summit 2023
The Challenge
In April 2022, the NSW Government committed to establishing a digital identification for the people of NSW. Digital ID initiatives involve the use of new technology, such as facial verification, to verify an individual’s identity.
Done well, this can increase convenience for citizens, reduce risks associated with misidentification, and save money for governments and the private sector. However, this technology brings challenges that must be understood and addressed to realise the promise of a more secure and effective way of verifying people’s identities.
The project team from the UTS Human Technology Institute collaborated with Service NSW to develop independent expert advice that proposed a governance framework and training strategy to support Service NSW and the Department of Customer Service in developing and rolling out a safe, reliable, and responsible Digital ID system. Working across several Service NSW teams, the project team harnessed the expertise of a range of stakeholders, including technology vendors, independent experts and community members.
Policy Insights
As part of its independent expert advice to the NSW Government, the project team developed ten principles to inform the governance framework for NSW Digital ID, focusing on four key areas: user protections, performance standards, accountability and oversight, and interoperability.
These principles underscore the importance of relying on more than just state-of-the-art technology. Good digital service delivery requires a systems-wide approach, including clear guardrails, effective governance, skilled staff, and placing human rights at the centre of policy design and decision-making.
In a world characterised by digital disruption, it is vitally important to harness diverse, deep expertise to help policymakers navigate new challenges and opportunities as they emerge. Through extensive engagement with policymakers, this project boosted collaborative relationships for policy development and contributed to building public sector capability in NSW. The significance of the project’s findings extends well beyond NSW. The NSW Government is a leader in digital government services and is well-placed to share its learnings widely across jurisdictions. That is why the project team organised a policy roundtable with the support of JMI that brought together representatives from other jurisdictions around Australia to discuss how to collectively build public trust and confidence in digital ID systems.
Thought leadership and capability-building
The Policymaker
JMI’s solutions-oriented digital publication, The Policymaker, published nearly 40 thought leadership pieces over the past year, from leading and emerging policy thinkers and practitioners. The Policymaker is increasingly recognised as a ‘go-to’ resource platform that bridges high-quality research and policy application.
Over the past 12 months, The Policymaker has covered a range of themes, including public health, housing, artificial intelligence, industrial policy, child protection and the transition to Net Zero.
The Policymaker also established two new hubs this year. The Knowledge Brokering Hub goes to the heart of JMI’s mission, collecting insights from those with experience in strengthening collaboration between government and researchers to improve public policy outcomes. Meanwhile, the AI & Public Policy Hub examines the multifaceted effects of AI on various policy domains and the future of government operations.
JMI Futures
JMI Futures, spearheaded by Executive Director Jane Reynaud since her arrival in April 2024, operates at the interface of policy, evidence and practice.
This new work stream aims to drive new opportunities for capability-building and capacity uplift for both established and emerging policy practitioners, and its programs will be underpinned by a commitment to practitioner-centred expertise, fostering skills enhancement and facilitating knowledge exchange around best practice in contemporary policymaking.
JMI Futures is leading deep consultation with key stakeholders across government and academia to understand the breadth of our partners’ needs in this context and to explore opportunities for targeted and strategic policymaking skills development. JMI Futures is also engaging closely with sector colleagues to ensure new offerings are complementary to existing professional development programs being delivered, and opportunities for collaboration are maximised. The next 12 months will see critical growth in the output and impact of this new strategic portfolio.
Strategic engagement for the public good
JMI has broadened its engagement with its government and university partners to drive practical policy solutions for Australians. In the 2023-24 financial year, our team engaged with policymakers and researchers over 550 times, dedicating significant time to facilitate meaningful dialogue, connections and policy innovation. These efforts demonstrate the Institute’s dedication to shaping evidence-based policymaking that benefit the public, bridging the gap between research and practical application to achieve tangible results.
Deepening our partnership with governments
Throughout the year, JMI has worked with government entities at all levels to deliver collaborative initiatives and capture expert insights. The Institute’s engagement focused on identifying opportunities to address complex challenges such as housing, higher education funding, and systems reform in health and child protection. Our broader team and collaborators, which includes JMI Policy Challenge Grant recipients and Policy Fellows, facilitated in-depth engagements with various government officials, enriching our understanding of priorities and laying the groundwork for identifying policy opportunities based on research and expertise. We are committed to supporting policymakers in delivering informed policies that positively impact the lives of all Australians.
Harnessing the expertise of our university partners
In the past year, JMI has worked closely with partner universities to engage researchers in the policy processes. The Institute has tapped into university expertise on artificial intelligence, higher education funding, child protection system reform, vocational education and training, and many others. These initiatives have been essential in developing an evidence base for policy change and innovation for the public good. By actively promoting participation in collaborative projects for smart solutions, we have expanded our university networks with deep subjectmatter expertise. Moving forward, we are committed to further nurturing these networks to ensure our combined efforts continue contributing to Australia’s prosperous and resilient future.
Policy engagements led by recipients of the JMI Policy Challenge Grant
Engaging with policymakers is a fundamental aspect of the JMI Policy Challenge Grant program. A recent survey found that project teams engage with policymakers extensively, and for various reasons (see Figure A). This showcases their intention to developing pragmatic and evidencebased policy solutions. Throughout the year, project teams have received targeted support from JMI to maximise the policy impact of their work. Survey results show that the various forms of support provided by JMI enhanced the project teams’ ability to engage effectively with policymakers (see Figure B).
“I have had grants over a million dollars and never had support like this. It’s amazing... This has not only been the least annoying grant process, but it has also been the smartest, most streamlined, and most involved. We’re thrilled to have received a JMI grant.”
“I have found the experience of working with JMI to be extremely positive at all stages. JMI take a personal, values driven approach to public policy research that made me feel valued as an academic at all stages. The team have continued to help with networking and support to maximise the potential impact of my project. It’s enabled me to expand my horizons whilst remaining focused on my research.”
Building communities of action
In the past year, JMI has worked closely with partner universities to engage researchers in the policy processes. The Institute has tapped into university expertise on artificial intelligence, higher education funding, child protection system reform, vocational education and training, and many others. These initiatives have been essential in developing an evidence base for policy change and innovation for the public good. By actively promoting participation in collaborative projects for smart solutions, we have expanded our university networks with deep subjectmatter expertise. Moving forward, we are committed to further nurturing these networks to ensure our combined efforts continue contributing to Australia’s prosperous and resilient future.
JMI Policymaker Summit
JMI hosted its inaugural Policymaker Summit at UNSW Sydney on 7 August 2023. This new flagship event brought together over 200 public policy experts from government, academia, civil society and industry.
The event featured addresses from NSW Deputy Premier Prue Car MP and Minister Rose Jackson MLC, who emphasised the need for inclusive policymaking and stakeholder engagement in education and housing reforms. Discussions focused on driving sustainable economic growth and empowering communities to shape policy responses.
The Summit highlighted the increasing collaboration between the government and universities, marking. a significant moment in Australian public policy. Panels also emphasised the need to integrate lived experience into policy design and the importance of democratic engagement in decision-making. Professor Peter Shergold AC, JMI Chair, praised NSW’s leadership in forming partnerships with university expertise in policymaking. The Summit also included a Policy Impact Exhibition that showcased the work developed by leading policy institutes from across its partner universities.
Policy Challenge Grant winners celebration
In November 2023, we celebrated the 2023 JMI Policy Challenge Grant winners at the State Library of NSW, marking another cornerstone of our event program. Introduced by a keynote address by the Hon Anoulack Chanthivong MP, NSW Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology, the event showcased the six project teams that were awarded grants to develop concrete solutions to some of the state’s most pressing challenges.
Policy Talks
JMI launched a new Policy Talks series, which aims to build a community of policy professionals across sectors to foster innovation and inclusivity at all levels of government policy.
The first event focused on affordable and accessible housing. Taking place at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in May 2024, it featured a discussion between Rebecca Pinkstone, CEO of Homes NSW, and Professor Philip Oldfield from UNSW. Pinkstone emphasised the significance of tenant-centred policies and the need for collaboration with local government and support partners to address social housing challenges effectively.
Professor Philip Oldfield stressed the complexities of housing supply and affordability, emphasising the importance of diverse and well-designed living spaces. The event also addressed issues in the rental market and explored examples of international good practice as potential solutions. The discussion highlighted a clear commitment to inclusive policymaking and innovative solutions, envisioning a brighter future for housing accessibility in NSW through community engagement and effective policy frameworks.
Looking Ahead
We are energised by the opportunities for policy innovation that lie before us. The challenges facing Australia and NSW demand innovative solutions, rigorous analysis, and, most importantly, collaborative approaches.
2023 will be a critical juncture for JMI as we look to expand our project pipeline and foster ever greater engagement between public servants and experts.
Bridging the gap between policy and research remains a major hurdle. Our vision for Australia is ultimately one where JMI is no longer needed – one in which there is seamless collaboration between policymakers and the research community. Until we get there, we will prioritise building capacity for collaboration and scaling up those areas of work that bring the greatest benefits for the public good.
Our vision for Australia is ultimately one where JMI is no longer needed - one in which there is seamless collaboration between policymaker and the research community.
JMI is currently undertaking a number of collaborative projects that will be completed in the year ahead, including supporting an ongoing Government review. We also look to expand our rapid response capability to quickly tap into the expertise that policymakers may need on tight timescales.
In August 2023, we will also host the first JMI Policymaker Summit, a new flagship policy event for NSW, bringing together government policymakers, researchers and other experts around key themes to drive forward solutions.
In the year ahead, we will look to pilot a new capacity- building program that will equip policymakers and researchers with the necessary skills, tools and frameworks to work together effectively, ultimately boosting the practice of evidence-based policymaking in NSW.
Through thoughtful and strategic expansion with more university partners in the coming years, we will seek to leverage their unique research agenda and regional focus, and connect this knowledge to policymaking processes.
JMI remains committed to advancing evidence-based policymaking that will drive positive change and secure a prosperous future for our communities. We will continue to be at the forefront of shaping Australia’s policy landscape
Read the full report below: